As I perused the aisles of my local organic market for something interesting in the cereal products, I discovered a bag of puffed quinoa. I had heard so much about what a superfood quinoa was but had yet to try it myself. I figured this was a good product to start with as it required no preparation. The next day I opened the bag, poured it in a bowl, tossed some dried cherries and walnuts on top, added some almond milk and voila--the perfect breakfast. It's packed with plant-based protein, ...
Simplifying Quinoa
What is Quinoa? Well, the mystery is solved: Quinoa is pronounced ‘keen-wah’. It comes from South America, and while it is commonly referred to as a grain it is actually a seed. It is a "pseudo grain" or "pseudo cereal" because it is not actually a member of the grass family. You will see it in red, gold and black varieties, and they all pretty much taste the same. Now let's talk about all of its nutritional goodness! Quinoa is a considered a "superfood". The Oxford Dictionary ...