Snickerdoodle Quinoa Cookies combine the flavor of a snickerdoodle with the wonderful mouthfeel of a soft-baked oatmeal cookie. Loaded with plant-based protein and healthy fats, they are a dessert you can feel good about or a breakfast you can look forward to! No oats in these puppies, or flour, or gluten, or animal products, or refined sugar! They are filled with healthy ingredients that serve up vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, plant-based protein, and most of all fabulous taste and ...
Creamy Quinoa Leek Bisque (Gluten-Free, Vegan / Plant-Based)
Creamy Quinoa Leek Bisque pairs a subtle earthy taste with a succulent creamy texture. So velvety smooth you will never know it's dairy-free. It is decidedly filling, providing warmth and comfort on the coldest of days! Soup That Warm the Soul I live in Virginia. Anyone familiar with this part of the country knows that by this time of year we're usually in the midst of a deep freeze and have probably already had at least one snow. This year was different, and for that I am extremely ...
Spicy Acorn Squash With Garlic Infused Quinoa (Gluten-Free, Vegan / Plant-Based, Easy)
Spicy roasted acorn squash served over a bed of garlic infused quinoa is an easy side dish or a main attraction in a 30 minute meal! First, I want to apologize for the delay in this post. It has been in the queue for about two weeks but administrative issues with the blog were demanding my attention. Hopefully, all of those issues are satisfied and I can get back to the fun part, posting yummy food! I feel bad for winter squash. They have been type cast and primarily relegated to ...
Apple Pie Quinoa Breakfast Bowl (Gluten-Free, Vegan / Plant-Based, Refined Sugar-Free)
Apple Pie Quinoa Breakfast Bowl, a five-minute comfort food for your body and belly! Nothing says warm and cozy like a bowl of hot cereal laced with sweet apples, cinnamon and brown sugar. This gluten-free, vegan, and refined sugar-free quinoa bowl floods your body with nutrients while warming your soul! I am perpetually on the lookout for more ways to add quinoa into my diet. If you are interested in learning more about quinoa and all it has to offer, check out my earlier post: ...
Asparagus Quinoa Purple Potato Salad (Gluten-Free, Vegan/Plant-Based)
Almost too pretty to eat! This twist on traditional potato salad is packed with nutrients and tastes as wonderful as it looks. Bright purple potatoes and deep green asparagus make a lovely addition to any table. Complemented by the nuttiness of quinoa and infusions of lemon and garlic, it will be impossible to stop at one serving. Serve it warm or cold, it's delicious either way! Colorful Potato Salad I loved developing this recipe. The colors are so bright and ...
Recipe: Pop-Q’s (puffed quinoa & maple syrup bites)
I've been curious about quinoa for a while. Recently I spent some time learning about quinoa and why it is considered a superfood. The result of this effort was a post called Simplifying Quinoa which summarizes many of quinoa's highlights, and a post in Helpful Hints: The Many Faces of Cooking Quinoa. What I'm most thrilled with, however, is this recipe that "popped" into my head as I stood staring at my puffed quinoa. After learning how awesome quinoa is -- being a plant protein and a ...
The Many Faces of Cooking Quinoa
As I perused the aisles of my local organic market for something interesting in the cereal products, I discovered a bag of puffed quinoa. I had heard so much about what a superfood quinoa was but had yet to try it myself. I figured this was a good product to start with as it required no preparation. The next day I opened the bag, poured it in a bowl, tossed some dried cherries and walnuts on top, added some almond milk and voila--the perfect breakfast. It's packed with plant-based protein, ...
Simplifying Quinoa
What is Quinoa? Well, the mystery is solved: Quinoa is pronounced ‘keen-wah’. It comes from South America, and while it is commonly referred to as a grain it is actually a seed. It is a "pseudo grain" or "pseudo cereal" because it is not actually a member of the grass family. You will see it in red, gold and black varieties, and they all pretty much taste the same. Now let's talk about all of its nutritional goodness! Quinoa is a considered a "superfood". The Oxford Dictionary ...